Distance from Columbus, OH to Prescott, AZ - Travelmath
The total driving distance from Columbus, OH to Prescott, AZ is 1,874 miles or 3 016 kilometers. The total straight line flight distance from Columbus, OH to Prescott, AZ is 1,659 miles . This is equivalent to 2 670 kilometers or 1,442 nautical miles .
Columbus to Prescott - 6 ways to travel via train, plane
The cheapest way to get from Columbus to Prescott costs only $413, and the quickest way takes just 8 hours. Find the travel option that best suits you.
Driving Time from Columbus, OH to Prescott, AZ - Travelmath
Driving time from Columbus, OH to Prescott, AZ. How long is the drive from Columbus, OH to Prescott, AZ? The total driving time is 28 hours, 2 minutes. Your trip begins in Columbus, Ohio. It ends in Prescott, Arizona. If you're planning a road trip, you might be interested in seeing the total driving distance from Columbus, OH to Prescott, AZ.
How far is Prescott from Columbus - driving distance - Trippy
Get a quick answer: It's 1,874 miles or 3016 km from Columbus to Prescott, which takes about 28 hours, 2 minutes to drive.
Driving Distance from Prescott, AZ to Columbus, OH - Travelmath
The total driving distance from Prescott, AZ to Columbus, OH is 1,874 miles or 3 016 kilometers. Your trip begins in Prescott, Arizona. It ends in Columbus, Ohio.
Distance from Prescott, AZ to Columbus, OH, miles and hours
Distance from Columbus city in Ohio by road in east direction from Prescott, Arizona state is one thousand, eight hundred and seventy-two miles by car. There are one thousand, six
Distance from Prescott Valley, AZ to Columbus, OH - Distance …
There are 1,645.54 miles from Prescott Valley to Columbus in northeast direction and 1,863 miles (2,998.21 kilometers) by car, following the I-40 route. Prescott Valley and Columbus are 1 day 3 hours far apart, if you drive non-stop . This is the fastest route from Prescott Valley, AZ to Columbus, OH. The halfway point is Oklahoma City, OK.
Prescott to Columbus - 6 ways to travel via train, plane
The cheapest way to get from Prescott to Columbus costs only $410, and the quickest way takes just 7¾ hours. Find the travel option that best suits you.
United Cheap Flights to Prescott from $ 194 | United Airlines
Book cheap flights to Prescott (PRC) with United Airlines. Enjoy all the in-flight perks on your Prescott flight, including speed Wi-Fi.
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