The Superior Court of Justice of Ontario has approved a $4.5 million settlement in a medical malpractice lawsuit involving a ...
The Ontario Superior Court of Justice ordered the defendant to pay $1,104,557.50 in costs and interest to Smitiuch Injury Law ...
The Superior Court of Justice of Ontario has ruled that an internal medicine specialist breached the standard of care in her ...
Plaintiffs’ expert witness L supplied report and testimony on effect of use of lake as reservoir for hydroelectric generation and water control purposes on First Nation. Crown provided report from ...
Accused parents were convicted of failing to provide necessaries of life to their young son, who died of meningitis. Majority of Court of Appeal dismissed parents’ appeals. Dissenting judge would have ...
General Division of Social Security Tribunal (SST-GD) upheld denial of Canada Pension Plan disability benefits to claimant because he did not establish that he suffered from severe and prolonged ...
Solicitor-client privilege. In context of constructive dismissal claim, delegate of Information and Privacy Commissioner of Alberta ordered production of records over ...
Plaintiff brought patent infringement action. Patent claimed methods of detecting atypical electricity consumption, primarily for identification of marijuana grow operations. Mandate of defendant ...
At request of insolvent company’s lender (Third Eye), court-appointed receiver over assets, undertaking and property, including mining claims. Certain claims were subject to Gross Overriding Royalty ...
Plaintiff monitor, on behalf of creditors, pensioners and retirees of A Ltd., brought oppression action under Companies’ Creditors Arrangement Act, involving A Ltd. as applicant in proceedings. E ...
Parties entered into minutes of settlement that provided husband would assume ownership of matrimonial home as well as related debts and expenses, and pay wife $40,000 in exchange for release of her ...
Judicial review. Social Security Tribunal-General Division (SST-GD) found that applicant was not entitled to receive employment insurance (EI) benefits as she left her employment without just cause ...