As Romania's president and Serbia's prime minister resign in the midst of a political crisis, some opportunists are eyeing ...
A comeback for the right and a surge in support for the far right: these are the main takeaways from the 23 February federal ...
EU Member States have been eager to strengthen their borders with mass surveillance technology. Could such technology be turned against their own populations?
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Europa ist heute mit einem Mangel an Ärztinnen und Ärzten aller Fachrichtungen konfrontiert. Auch die ...
Al tiempo que el presidente rumano y el primer ministro serbio dimiten en medio de una crisis política, algunos oportunistas ...
El escritor Andrei Kurkov describe la incertidumbre reinante en Ucrania por culpa de la guerra, las tensiones políticas y el ...
L’Europa sta affrontando una carenza di medici, in particolare, di medici di famiglia: stanno invecchiando, la loro ...
Ukrainische Schriftsteller Andrej Kurkow über Ungewissheit in seinem Land, wo Gespräche zwischen USA und Russland Ängste ...