“Due to a fire at an electrical substation supplying the airport, Heathrow is experiencing a significant power outage. To ...
People were evacuated from surrounding properties and a 200-metre cordon has been put in place as a precaution.
A look at wildfire risks in general shows the risk in Harris County is low. However, outside of that, the chances skyrocket.
"Our current representative, Bill Huizenga, hasn't kept up with what he promised and what he ran his campaign on, which is ...
Marine biologists say sea life off the SoCal coast is in danger of being wiped out, and they say more frequent toxic algae ...
Wildland firefighters will keep a 4-year-old pay hike under a GOP-led spending bill signed by President Donald Trump.
"If you have anything you can give to this effort to fight back, I would say do it now because your kids' future depends on ...
The plan launched in 2022 may be too light on logging and say too much about climate change for the Trump administration.
Fragile highland ecosystems showed low resilience to fire, which renders them more vulnerable to long-term degradation.
Governor Gavin Newsom announced Wednesday that he has “cut the red tape” to speed up work on a Fresno County solar and ...
The National Weather Service says weather doesn't usually cause wildfires; it's dry and windy conditions that can cause a ...