Meta said it laid off 20 workers for leaking info to the media, as it faces pressure over the recent political shift of its ...
Steve Young made a big name for himself in pro football, but on his old block in Palo Alto, his tech-founder neighbors were ...
The Chan Zuckerberg Initiative is investing $750,000 in BuildCasa, which aims to add more affordable housing in residential ...
Mark Zuckerberg and Priscilla Chan have been together since college in the early 2000s. A lot has changed since then, ...
Mark Zuckerberg is taking a break from expanding the Metaverse to instead expand his real-world foundation’s footprint in ...
Meta (META), the parent company of Facebook, has fired about 20 employees for leaking confidential information — and more ...
California has agreed to drop portions of a law that requires large social media companies to disclose their policies for ...
Meta Platforms, Inc. (META) is said to be stepping on the gas with respect to its artificial intelligence (AI) initiatives.
Zuckerberg on Friday shared a video on Instagram of himself taking the stage at a party for Chan’s 40th birthday in tuxedo ...
Here's good news for Meta employees, as company announced bonuses of up to 200% to its employees. Meta's board of directors ...