BLUE DOT : Empreinte environnementale des nations: performances nationales et priorités globales ...
The AfroMaison project was set out to contribute to the challenge of putting integrated natural resource management in practice at meso-scale by providing a practical approach and tools that can be ...
Determining factors that influence the health and vitality of coastal and open ocean regions is crucial to maintaining marine ...
Mine action is a broad set of efforts both to prevent and to address the problems caused by mines, cluster munitions and other explosive remnants of war.
The SCCER CREST will bring together research groups from almost all major Swiss research institutions and fill important gaps in the research landscape. It will be one of the strongest research ...
The main goal of the PEGASO project is to construct a shared Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Governance Platform with scientists, users and decision-makers linked with new models of ...
Indications exist that close contact with nature brings benefits to human health and wellbeing, but the mechanisms are not well understood. Most of the research has been conducted in the Northwest of ...
The aim of the Network is to augment, evaluate and exploit the added value provided by regional models in climate and weather simulations. This added value is afforded as a result of the expected ...
Le projet EU-gems project étudie comment des stratégies macrorégionales peuvent influer sur la façon selon laquelle les politiques environnementales sont conçues et mises en oeuvre.