On Saturday, about thirteen hundred Voice of America staffers, myself included, were placed on administrative leave. VOA’s ...
The state-backed Global Times published an editorial in which it called Voice of America a “lie factory” with an "appalling ...
The parent company of Voice of America, U.S. Agency for Global Media, oversees all nonmilitary, international broadcasting.
It's no secret that President Trump's not exactly on good terms with a sizable chunk of the media – but when does the ...
The alleged termination follows President Trump’s order calling for the dismantling of the agency, which oversees Voice of ...
The order Trump signed Friday calls for the closure of the U.S. Agency for Global Media, which manages VOA and other ...
After Trump's March 14 executive order effectively dismantled Voice of America, an international media service, some sounded ...
If 21st-century warfare is fought primarily in the realm of information, the United States has just surrendered one of its ...
More than 1,300 staff placed on administrative leave as White House accuses VOA of being anti-Trump, "radical" and "leftist".
Mario Cavolo, a host from Chinese Central Television (CCTV), also funded by the CCP, accused VOA of being a “CIA cutout” and ...
For the journalists who work at the networks, and believe in the mission of providing uncensored news coverage to censored ...
"Whenever your adversary applauds you, stop and reassess," Hudson Institute analyst Michael Sobolik told Newsweek.