Jessica Breighner, right, with her husband, Jason Huff. Breighner was one of the nurses taken hostage at UPMC Memorial on Feb ...
It is a moment Jessica Breighner will never forget. Her son, 18-year-old Jayden Huff, recalled the terrifying seconds she was ...
Huff said the shooter, Diogenes Archangel-Ortiz, forced his wife to zip tie her coworkers and was dragged by her hair by ...
The social media post is among several that provide details of the horror that visited the hospital’s ICU Saturday morning ...
Multiple fundraisers have been started since a gunman injured several employees and killed a police officer at UPMC Memorial.
"He pulled the trigger three times on my mother's head. Luckily, he was out of bullets, or my mother wouldn't be here right now," Jayden Huff says.
HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — A nurse who survived an armed man’s attack on an intensive care unit in a Pennsylvania hospital said ...
FOR WEST YORK OFFICER DUARTE, WHO WAS KILLED DURING THE HOSTAG It is a moment Jessica Breighner will never forget.Her son, 18-year-old Jayden Huff, recalled the terrifying seconds she was lying on ...
Jayden Huff, the 18-year-old son of UPMC Memorial nurse Jessica Breighner, created a GoFundMe page to assist his mother, who he says has been shaken up after the incident. "She's been out of her ...
When I rounded the corner of the back hall I was met in the distance by the shooter holding my coworker, Jess, at gunpoint,” she wrote.Her colleague, Jessica Breighner, was forced to zip-tie her.
Every click ... like being punched in the head' Catastrophic doesn’t begin to do justice to the experiences of Jessica Breighner and Tosha Trostle, nurses who work in the ICU. Trostle ...