Arkansas and Georgia both imposed job requirements for Medicaid recipients. Advocates said the programs added red tape and administrative costs.
Millions of Americans rely on Medicaid but here in Arkansas some say their access to health care is being threatened.
Work requirements have been part of the discussion as House Republicans scour for ways to pay for President Trump’s $4.5 trillion tax cuts.
Indiana lawmakers want to address Medicaid spending by overhauling the state’s Medicaid expansion program. However, testimony and discussion so far has included misinformation and misleading information on the Healthy Indiana Plan,
Looming federal Medicaid cuts could shift a massive financial burden to state governments, potentially requiring them to make up between $700 billion and $1. 1 trillion in funding over the next decade,
Gov. Sanders signed several bills into law on Tuesday including two bills that would reshape the alcohol industry in Arkansas.
Republicans are weighing billions of dollars in cuts to Medicaid, jeopardizing health care coverage for some of the 80 million U.S. adults and children enrolled in the safety net program.
If Republicans instituted work requirements, Medicaid applicants and enrollees would have to prove they’ve worked a certain number of hours in a given time period to receive benefits. Volunteer hours or time in school might be counted toward the tally.
During the first Trump administration, 13 states sought a Medicaid work requirement but only Arkansas was far along enough to remove people from coverage. Arkansas cut more than 18,000 residents ...