Ancient DNA has provided spectacular insights into human history, particularly in Europe and Asia, where researchers have ...
New all-sky survey by the MeerKAT radio telescope shows the universe as expected at large distances - unlike previous ...
The Max Planck-Humboldt Research Award 2024, endowed with 1.5 million euros, goes to Geordie Williamson, Professor at the ...
In 1974, scientists first sounded the alarm about the destruction of the ozone layer caused by human activities. Yet it would ...
Their results, published in eLife, show that as golden eagles improve their flying skills, they become able to explore a ...
Lorraine Daston, director emerita at the MPI for the History of Science, has been honoured with the 2024 Balzan Prize for ...
Data from NASA's Dawn space probe calls into question assumptions about the origin of Ceres in the outer solar system. The ...
Das neu entwickelte Roboterbein ist inspiriert von Lebewesen und springt daher deutlich wendiger und energieeffizienter über ...
Gene regulation plays a critical role in the development and evolution of organisms, with transcription factors (TFs) serving as essential components that control gene expression. Traditionally, ...