The judge scheduled the hearing after three Trump administration lawyers, including Bove, filed a motion to dismiss Adams' ...
Feb. 18 (UPI) --U.S. District Judge Dale Ho on Tuesday set a date for a hearing to determine if the criminal case against ...
Legal Newsletter looks at how the Trump Justice Department handled its attempt to dismiss charges against Eric Adams, plus ...
Eric Adams, the mayor of New York, faces a five-count federal indictment for public corruption in the Southern U.S.
21 (UPI) --A federal judge on Friday held off dropping criminal charges against New York Mayor Eric Adams after the U.S. Department ... making English official United States language Feb.
Announcing his bid to run for mayor of New York City over the weekend, former Gov_ Andrew Cuomo declared that he would “save ...
Judge Ho, who is a former civil rights attorney for the American Civil Liberties Union, is not rushing to a decision because ...