Two Indian scholars are among those targeted by Trump administration for what it calls 'support' for Hamas. In India, ...
A new promo campaign from MSNBC features top anchors including Rachel Maddow, Ari Melber and Jen Psaki reading the words of ...
First introduced in 1923, the Equal Rights Amendment has met the requirements for ratification. But its constitutionality is ...
While President Donald Trump outwardly declared himself a champion of the right to free expression, he has mounted a full-on assault on this right, hoping that the ferocity and multi-pronged nature of ...
The ambiguity of the president’s warning could pave the way for lawsuits. It also could be damaging, critics say, if it has ...
Whatever legal rationale the Trump Administration cooks up, deporting protesters for things they say is wildly un-American—and possibly unpopular, too.
Politicians and wealthy special interests are trying to rewrite the rules to further keep the power of constitutional ...
Delaware state senators discuss enshrining reproductive freedom in the state constitution. Here's what happened.